
I passed through four countries today.

Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, ending in Lima. Technically I was in them but I was only in the airport at El Salvador and Costa Rica.

I slept 2 hours last night and four the previous nights... working because I was too busy having fun the previous two months.

I was pretty much in a coma on the Costa Rica floor wedged behind a pillar at gate 6 for a good two hours.

I did get to watch two World Cup matches, including Costa Rica make a comeback and win over Uruguay 3 to 1.

People were freaking out... I was with a national soccer tram of teens from Costa Rica on their way to Peru and even the workers ran out of the stores and off the gate for the final 15 minutes.

It has been a super long day. I am ending it in a hostel, and walking to grab an empanada at the grocery store to keep on my meager budget.

I like doing normal things like walking down the street eating a cold empanada and realizing: Hey! I'm eating this empanada... IN PERU.

Which is great luck as there's a lot of 4 dollar market meals awaiting.