Hablo Espanol .

Interesting 5-minute exchange with the woman in the tienda down the road. I wanted peanuts. DId not see any. I tried to explain what I wanted:
you know, a fruit from a tree but it's not a fruit like an orange.
No, not a pineapple. Or a pea.
You can spread it.
No, not butter.
I look arond the store and see nothing. Two people come in and try their translation skills. Nope.
Finally, i see a candy bar with some nougat and peanuts. I point to the picture.
Mani! Mani!
And there it is.
We laugh and I grab the bag and 1.5 soles.
She says good night, have fun from NY and yells mani! mani! out the door.

— in Arequipa, Peru