A poem ... about me! The Road Warrior?!

Me and my boots

I turned on Facebook and found this — a poem by the talented Brad Werner in Arizona, who was somehow inspired to write a poem about me and my projects.

I'm honored!!!
.. and so I'm posting it with my travelin' boots here, all dusted up. And, my Mad Max "Road Warrior" boots that are like second skin to me. I'm in Australia, right!

don’t muss with cuss
she’s a road warrior
looking for some wheels
always finds adventure
nipping at her heels

she stays one step ahead
of what the dealer deals
yet at every encounter
with silent glee she squeals

dreading the perfunctory
opportunity she steals
can’t wait for it to knock
she grabs it as she feels

kraving delicious story
magazines beg to be written
every mission remarkable
for her you cheer once bitten

her photographs speak
a thousand tongues
shared ten thousand miles
beyond her people’s lungs

she adopts her hosts
and they her passion
weave everlasting bonds
beyond timeless fashion

this tireless road warrior
shares the world’s appeals
but you’d better watch out
once she finds her wheels

— by Brad Werner

Hoofin' it. Round the globe.