Blazing sun selfies: 4 miles walking, this is what happens.

It's a great day to listen to Motorhead and Maps on Main Street !!!!

This is what happens when I remember to turn my cell phone on and it's so sunny I can barely see and it's the SECOND time in a day I've walked the 2 miles r/t to the library ... I waved at everyone who drove by and saw me taking stupid selfies as I rested in the shade.

Then I saw the little graffiti to my left. This is for you, my friends. I miss ya!

One woman at the store: Hey, are you rah rah rah?"
woman: "Are you taking a selfie?"
me: "Yes! many. Im sending them straight out the camera to NY!"
woman: "Great! Good on ya!"


— In Kalgoorlie, Western Australia