Goal: Be that. Every day.

In eighth grade Kelli told me a new girl moved in down the street.

We became fast friends and despite her moving to Florida in high school and years of silence between, in the last years we have reunited as friends should, and the bittersweet is replaced with the joy of reconnection and discovering your friends are just as cool as you left them if not more (possible?!) and grown up to be people you would choose to spend time with if you met them as a blank slate today, for the first time.

Diana sent me a photo of a hand-crafted dog tag pendant with "Be Badass Every day" on it.

I had just sent a friend a note saying, I am not fearful of anything anymore, as I am putting myself out there every day in new situations, being dropped into new countries and living with tribes and finding my way, and while I have been fearless, if you've decided to DO IT and go for it, the anxiety and the worry is worthless in the end isn't it? You do it anyway; so go for it and don't look back.

Hours later, i received the photo, and then a note saying she was sending one to my folks' house so I can have it to bring on my journeys.

Thank you. Thank you.

And remember ladies and gentlemen: Life is short. life is fantastic. Life is awesome in the literal sense of the world.

Be badass. Every day.

Now I'm going to bed because I need to go drive a Land Cruiser on the opposite side of the road through the Outback to meet the last Ngalia speaker on earth and present a slideshow to his mob of photos taken thus far, and have them be insightful enough that they believe it was a good idea to invite me in.