Fat Camp, worldwide.

Three different scales and the kilo to pound measurement converter agree I have lost 33 pounds since i started this journey in April.

I look at photos and wow, I see a difference, especially in my face. Today I paddled 18K ... or 11 miles ... in a fjord out to the Tasman Sea.

Apparently, this is how I can do it ... having fun and seeing cool stuff. LIKE A POD OF DOLPHINS LEAPING OUT OF THE WATER NOT 30 FEET FROM THE BOATS!!! Not stuffed up in a gym.

And yes, I yelled "I love my life!" after we paddled into a 400meter waterfall carved by glaciers millions of years ago, in one of the wettest places on the planet.

Sure glad the road opened again after snow and storms.

I am eating a Twix as I write this. :-/