Everyday people: The unexpected tour guide

This is Kay.
Kay drove my bus yesterday to the Wai-O-Tapu geothermal area and when she informed us that we did not have time to go swimming because of timing and I didn't see the entire park, she offered to come ...

on her day off ...

in her car after she walked her dog to take us to the hot spring.

There are amazingly generous and warm people in this world and Kay is one of them. I said "yes! me! I will go!"

She was my personal tour guide to this little hot spot, where I soaked and she waded in. She's a docent at the Rotorua museum, teaches English to Koreans and other immigrants here and her dad, his dad and his dad's dad were all sheep farmers. She's been in Rotorua for 37 years and until today, had never been in this hot spring despite driving by it several times a week on the shuttle.

So we both experienced something new.

Thanks, Kay. It is days like this, and generosity such as yours, that make the journey special.

I spent the afternoon at the museum, looking at Maori culture and history, thanks to Kay, who also gave me one of her guest passes.

Kay told me her goal is to meet at least one intersting person a day. I love that.

I hope I was one of them.