King of the creepy crawlies ...

The Hairy Mygalormorph.

Now that doesn't sound so scary, does it? The name makes the tarantula sound like a kind grandfather. Which it is.

They've been around for millions of years and haven't changed much in that time. Many use their fangs to dig burrows in the earth, but some like, this one in the Peruvian Amazon near the Kokama indian refuge area, lives in the trees.

We glided sildently under it with our dugout canoe as we were looking for caiman. I was surprised that there were so many — something like 8 or 9 we counted — on this tree, which was entirely surrounded by waist-deep water.

I have since learned some species live in the trees, which might make some of my readers squeamish with the idea that they could drop down!

I wrote a story about tarantulas once and the entomologist who can make you love them: did you know they are fastidious housekeepers? Read all about them.