Traditional dance: Old, with the new

In many ways, in the small villages in this area of the Casamance, Senegal, traditional culture is changing and part of the changing times. On my final day with the Leverhulme Crossroads language team, Aime (in on left) came over with his traditional dance group to celebrate and show us here in Wandering Kris world traditional dances. The indigo hand-woven cotton has been worn for generations, and the dance passed down for every initiate. It was so cool in many ways, including that you can see how the new culture is bringing in the old. There are the indigo cloths, with a Santa hat, with tight t-shirts ... It is just part of the everyday.
Aime and the guys danced, team members from Crossroads danced, i danced, we all danced.
I was very honored that Aime and his friends entrusted us and invited us in. More photos to come!
Brin is the small asterik, in blue!Very small village, about 10KM outside of Ziguichnor.