Moving past your fears: From here on out

I'm submitting an application to do a local college TEDx talk about the theme, "from here on out," that reflects on the past, assesses the present, and looks to the future.
I want to talk about living fearlessly — which is to say, having fear and pursuing your dreams anyway. I learned a lot about myself and the world traveling solo and living with various families in very different and often times remote locations, always different than myself and also the same.
I've learned how fear holds you back, and how you dont get over it but you step behind to have the guts to take that leap.
In the past, I never questioned. And then I did. As I had more to lose. Assessing the present, it is what you make it. And what you do with your time, which quickly runs out.
From here on out? I will continue to have fear. But I've learned, in often crazy ways, how to move beyond it.
Hope they take me. I can tell them how i fell in an anaconda hole, sled down an active volcano with a potentially deadly sting, navigated my plane leaving me stranded because there is was nothing else to do but fix the situation, and how i got past the hours and days I spent hamster wheeling in my own brain about the what-ifs to not just go but fully embrace my dream.
Maybe my experiences can inspire someone to think a little different, ponder or pursue.