Elsa's: A family endeavor

Little Corn Island, Nicaragua:
Wilma's mom opened Elsa's Place on the wind-swept side of tiny Little Corn Island years ago. Tourists from all over stay here, staying in simple wooden cabins facing the Atlantic. It's one of the less expensive beach options. Look out your porch and you may see guys building a break wall wood plank by plank in steel cages to protect the beach from rougher seas, or others paddling out to the white surf where the sea crashes against the reef to fish.
They don't play music in the four-table restaurant and reception cabin. Wilma will bring you coconut bread so you can try it.
And she shared a "coco plum" taken from a tree right on the sand, that she soaked in cinnamon and sugar. Suck the flesh off, crack the seed casing and eat the nut. She also shared homemade fudge when I lamented about the l lack of deserts for my sweet tooth. "All homemade."
She used to live on Big Corn. There's roads and cars there. Not here.
She's the main cook... She served up perfectly cooked lobster tails in garlic.
"I don't even taste," she says, to know when it's right. "I know from watching my mom do it so many years."
Wilma is the one who will write you back on Facebook inquiries and manages reservations. Mom is tired, she says, and wants to retire.
Wilma will take over.
At any time, members of Elsas family are around, including Elsa. The night watchman who walks the small property is her grandson.
"We are family,"says Wilma. " We do it together."