Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

Walk into the sun.

My girl Tanya has shared with some of the best music for traveling — for staring out the train window and running where your mind takes you. "Fluke" by Puppy is one. And this. [] I can't imagine how many time…

Cue the jovial "musik"

Took the tram out to the university and giggled to hear this music. There's a lot of street musicians — "buskers" — in Europe, and I love to be surprised with serenades while on my commute or catching a bus, that would otherwise be mun…

Finding your niche, anywhere.

Well that was AWESOME! 500M from the apartment is the Romer [], a little bar/club I'm sad it took me 3 weeks to find. It's dark but light, purple, and small, and it seemed people knew each other. I hung out by myse…

America's Not Quite Top Chef

Last night, Olaf made me dinner to be nice. I'm sick. Tonight, I want to make him dinner. Without exxageration, this is how it goes: I find a can of spicy Vindaloo sauce, with directions — in English. I don't eat spicy food. This is what w…