Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

On the job.

It is a tough life, to learn about Masai traditional culture and life, in the village of one of your guides. Very tough. — in Selenkay Conservancy of the Masai Mara, near Amboseli National Park, Kenya […

Safari: It's amazing!

Hello from Kenya! These guys are Big John and Jackson (guess who is who), my guides at Lion Camp. They are Masai. The safari outfit employs 98 percent of its staff as Masai tribes people, and their camps are on Masai owned conservancies. This is w…

A world no one ever sees

As part of this amazing journey, I was invited by a Bukusu family to document — and thereby be a part of — their son Humphrey's journey into manhood. Circumcision rituals are sacred rites of passage for many tribal groups in Kenya. The Bukusu…

Video: Maragoli greeting songs

My first day in western Kenya, I went with Michael Diercks (Pomona College) to Jidereri to meet the Maragoli people who have participated in sharing their traditional language. The road was too bad so we hired piki-pikis — motorcycles — to take us o…


I'm going to do a series someday on "found lighting." and "MacGuyver lighting." I don't carry a tripod and I don't use lights. I love it when Mom Nature or Dad Manmade helps out and I can see something in a new way.…

One question: A near miss.

I had an 8-hour bus ride today from rural western Kenya into Nairobi, and I'm tired. And need to do some uploading and real writing. The door opens to the guest house and the guy who is staying here also, who the keeper said was here, walks in.…