Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

It's a go

In Panama. Panama!!! Surprisingly easy to get around. I'm doing it. Finding stuff. Navigated the subway to a huge congestion area to get to old Panama for a look. I was worried. I couldn't remember how I did it all over ... without smart ph…

hello. PADI?

Not sure my refresh course "took." Never saw the owner again to see if I'm in the system. Or if he's entering me in it. We shall see. Also waited a long long time for a ride due to traffic. On my end, where?!! No one is here... me…

A new world below me

There is one place in the world where I can be at peace, slow my bubbling clock down and lose myself from my thoughts. Underwater. On a whim I'm in Panama, getting reacquainted with life at 40 very below. Why have I stayed away so long? lito…

the case of decomposing clothes

Marta Is sewing my bra. It broke. So did my purse. And tonight my sandals. That makes the death toll in three weeks: 3 pants 1 pair undies 1 purse 1 60-dollar bra 1 pair of my only comfy sandals Oh yeah. And my room flooded with all my stuff in it…

jewelry repair

A guy in the park in Granada fixed my necklace with a new cord. Three bucks. Very happy. Also bought a ring made from conch and cow horn off him. I would post a picture but this blog platform doesn't have phone uploads. Yet.… comes the flood

Xiomara called. The water finally came on in El Sauce. The hole in the wall where the sink used to be? Let it out. And flooded my room. Thankfully the pro camera gear and computer are fine. Books and dictionaries not so much. They are drying in th…

ambulance chasing

Watching the Nicaraguan news at Eskimo, eating guanabana ice cream as the dead bloated and bloodied bodies go by shot by shot. American news is so sanitized. Here and other places death seems like a course of life: find a body, post it. People will…

A great day

Started the day with a 2.5-hour wait at my least favorite spots in any country: the bus station. Finally got to El Sauce and not enough time to hike to the waterfall so we grabbed friends and went to Rio Grande, where there are 20-foot or so rock…