Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

The internal magnet

The internal magnet ... Strikes again. Tarik sat next to me on the plane. He flew from Lebanon to photograph Iceland at night. He works at a bank and photographs as a passion. He was so awesome we talked for three hours. We cheered when we lived upon…

The internal magnet

I am always talking about "the internal magnet." Simply put, I believe we have a magnet inside that with the right oomph and attitude, you are guided to the right people in life. Like tonight. I went into the Lebowski Bar because there…

Most favorite selfie, take 2

There are not enough ways to count the awesomeness of this moment and photo. Me, Aime (too tall in the back to see), and the guys in his traditional dance group, after they tore it up at our base on my final day in Brin, Senegal, taking photos for…

Traditional dance: Old, with the new

In many ways, in the small villages in this area of the Casamance, Senegal, traditional culture is changing and part of the changing times. On my final day with the Leverhulme Crossroads language team, Aime (in on left) came over with his traditiona…

Uzupis: Art, all the time.

Uzupis. Started by artists and rebels right after the Iron Curtain came down. It has thrived in the Lithuanian capitol since 1990. Even the little back pathways are filled with art. Artists get a break on studio space in the incubator ... and it…

do it.

Just found out a close friend's brother died. Life is short. if it is only happening once, I'm doing it. If it's happening twice, I'm probably still doing it.…

Into the sacred forest

My Wednesday: ask Joola women of Enampore to observe a ceremony of newlyweds. They took us in, treated us like the women and put us in traditional dress head to toe. Then they sang into the sacred forest, where we shed our shoes and danced for hour…