Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

Ice caving in Jokulsarlon Glacier

One of the largest free-standing glaciers is Jokulsarlon, in southern Iceland. Huge ice sheets moved through here in 1251 and carved out the landscape .... seemingly endless fields of ice and snow, with black rocks jutting up from underneath, and b…

Walking with the king

LIVINGSTONE TOWN, ZAMBIA — Outside of Victoria Falls national park in Zambia, Africa, Lion Encounter is a reserve for captive-bred lions and a program to introduce their offspring into the wild to care for the declining wild lion populations. Here,…

Now that's a long snake!

I was this close??!!! I do not use telephoto lenses. I just found this photo of a PRETTY LONG snake I encountered in the Peruvian Amazon while working with Earthwatch performing wildlife surveys in Lago Preto. He surprised me as I walked by; I stop…

The journey so far ...

My 17-year-old wandering self would look at this map of where I've been ... so far ... on this journey in a year and think, "Eleven! I better get moving!" I've spend a year listening and observing more than talking and deciding,…

Uzupis: Art, all the time.

Uzupis. Started by artists and rebels right after the Iron Curtain came down. It has thrived in the Lithuanian capitol since 1990. Even the little back pathways are filled with art. Artists get a break on studio space in the incubator ... and it…