Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

21 countries. No bags.

Interesting. These people met on an online dating site, and navigated 21 countries - with not even a change of clothes. I'm the girl who fills the bag, to its size. Should I try this? I want to be on this date. […

Fat Camp, worldwide.

Three different scales and the kilo to pound measurement converter agree I have lost 33 pounds since i started this journey in April. I look at photos and wow, I see a difference, especially in my face. Today I paddled 18K ... or 11 miles ... in a…

13 percent? I better get moving!

I hardly ever remember to review stuff on Trip Advisor []. I did tonight .. and was pretty excited when I saw my map of review contributions ... Look at all those pins!!! Then I saw I have only…