Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

Exploring With Friends

Walking around Lima... I actually recognized Kennedy Park, which is so much nicer now. And then we met Bianca and Pedro, who were feeding all the cats (yay!). Lots of paragliders flying so close to the cliffs. People dancing. Who knows what we'…

Holy hot luck!

Just landed a ticket from Managua to Lima round trip for $600 with just 2 days before take-off ... not sure how, but prices actually went down. After Macchu Picchu, Lake Titicaca, Cuzco and the salt flats of Bolivia,I am returning to Iquitos, Peru…

15 again

10 p.m. on a "schoolnight," on the back of a motorcycle, puttering along the pavement, past the neighbors sitting outside their houses or on the street, with a friend riding your draft, close enough you could grab the dirty wheel. They are…


So I went to Panamá on a whim to get recertified in diving. Panamá! I just like saying that. This not having a 9 to 5 is the bomb. This lifestyle, of having no plans and just doing what I want suits me, as it always has. Freedom. I'll take…

A new world below me

There is one place in the world where I can be at peace, slow my bubbling clock down and lose myself from my thoughts. Underwater. On a whim I'm in Panama, getting reacquainted with life at 40 very below. Why have I stayed away so long? lito…