Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

Achtung, baby!

This is the look I get every time I jay walk against a red light here in Germany. My walkmate doesn't follow and the person on the other side of the street does this cat impression. I've been here and lived here enough to be reminded: Ger…

You're 1 in 40 million, babe.

There are 40 million sheep in New Zealand and 4 million something people. In four weeks here, never once did "this" get old. I "awwwed" and my heart did a pitter patter for cuteness every. single. time. I saw lambs. This one ra…

Cute overload to start your day.

Just in case you need some more "awww" to start your morning: Two lionesses. Eight cubs. Cuteness overload. Still amazed at how close you could get and the lions just were not concerned. I guess that is what happens whe you are "k…

Fat Camp, worldwide.

Three different scales and the kilo to pound measurement converter agree I have lost 33 pounds since i started this journey in April. I look at photos and wow, I see a difference, especially in my face. Today I paddled 18K ... or 11 miles ... in a…


So many sheep in New Zealand. So many lambs and so many sheep freshly shorn. EVERY time I see some trotting or grazing in the fields from the bus, I say, "awww!" Every time. I want to hug his baby sister and shear his cousin.…

Poisonous spiders... finally, everywhere!

{<1>} "I am going to leave western Australia without ever seeing a big red back spider!" I holler to Henley, who is sipping tea on the veranda. Come out here, he says. Above us are SIX red backs – SIX poisonous big red back spiders…