Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.


Could not leave for the train back from Machu Picchu without seeing who won the Germay/Ghana game. So I bought an ice cream and watched it with Marvilla here, who was tending her mom's store and eating some friend chicken and rice. She wanted…


I passed through four countries today. Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, ending in Lima. Technically I was in them but I was only in the airport at El Salvador and Costa Rica. I slept 2 hours last night and four the previous nights... working b…

Soy vacero.

I'm adopting the Nicaraguan traditional campo/cowboy style because it's just so good. I've ordered a handmade leather belt with hand-hammered traditional designs in the back ... so it does not over-gawdy my silver belt buckle, which wa…