Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

Into the sacred forest

My Wednesday: ask Joola women of Enampore to observe a ceremony of newlyweds. They took us in, treated us like the women and put us in traditional dress head to toe. Then they sang into the sacred forest, where we shed our shoes and danced for hour…

Nature's Most Simple Wine

Jean Pierre slips the harness around the thick trunk of the palm and ties it tight. It is made out of fronds itself, tightly wound into rope and dried. Leaning back like a lineman working on an electric cable, he grips it and lifts his left bare f…

Everyday People: Art today, gone tomorrow

Along the Pader, Germany's shortest river, Chris and three other artists create masterpieces in smooth sprays of bright greens, rich blacks and sparkling chrome. Today's graffiti vision for Chris is a swirling palette, like a pinwheel spin…

Happy New Year's

Happy New Year's everyone, wherever you may be. I wish you all the best in 2015 — peace, love and adventure. I will be ringing in midnight in Ndola, Zambia, a country I never expected to visit or thought about visiting except in that obtuse way…