Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

Lovely front yard

Every January, between 20,000 and 30,000 Catholic pilgrims journey into town from all over Central America to see the Black Christ crucifix at the church in El Sauce. He looks over the town every day from atop the church, which ALWAYS has the perf…


My 10-year-old El Sauce brother, Alé, made his own Foosball game in an afternoon with wood, nails and a marble. We hit the marble with Popsicle sticks. It was remarkably well-done; it took some doing and the nails kept it going but slowed it down…

Soy vacero.

I'm adopting the Nicaraguan traditional campo/cowboy style because it's just so good. I've ordered a handmade leather belt with hand-hammered traditional designs in the back ... so it does not over-gawdy my silver belt buckle, which wa…

About last night ...

![Members of music groups from the countryside and El Sauce after their sets [] yesterday went a little bit like this: •go in pick-up to help pick up and set up…

Satire when you have no power

In the 1500s, Hernandez de Cordoba and other Spanish conquistadors came to Nicaragua, and well, conquered it as conquistadors do. Nicaraguan mestizo people created a traditional play with characters that represented the Spaniards and also native p…

I can lift 50 times my weight!

We went on a hike to La Pita waterfall today and just across a creek crossing ran into a worker line of leaf-cutter ants, marching across the trail balancing a piece of leaf on their backs. Single file, they can carry 50x their body weight on thei…

To the seamstress

My clothes are either too big or disintegrating again so I went with Xiomara to her friend's house to get them fixed. She is about 65 and I have stayed with her and her grandsons for the past six years I have come here. I've watched them g…