Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

First class? Weeee!

Surprise! Upgraded to first class Senegal, Africa, to NYC. I can't even touch the end of my seat. There's a menu I get to choose food from. Pillows. A lay-flat seat! I feel like Oliver. I have no idea why I was one chosen on the full plane t…

A reminder

Reynisfjara Beach outside of Vik on the southern coast of Iceland, even in March, will get the best of you. The sun will shine and the wind will freeze the cold coming from the sea onto you and blow you down the sand. It's still amazing and yo…

Uzupis: Art, all the time.

Uzupis. Started by artists and rebels right after the Iron Curtain came down. It has thrived in the Lithuanian capitol since 1990. Even the little back pathways are filled with art. Artists get a break on studio space in the incubator ... and it…

laptop stolen. the show must go on.

So here's how it happened, now that I can finally get the phone to work: The hostel I stayed at was lovely. Like a house. Renata made breakfast each morning. And we talked and drank tea in the kitchen. One night, a guy and his pregnant wife share…

Cue the jovial "musik"

Took the tram out to the university and giggled to hear this music. There's a lot of street musicians — "buskers" — in Europe, and I love to be surprised with serenades while on my commute or catching a bus, that would otherwise be mun…

America's Not Quite Top Chef

Last night, Olaf made me dinner to be nice. I'm sick. Tonight, I want to make him dinner. Without exxageration, this is how it goes: I find a can of spicy Vindaloo sauce, with directions — in English. I don't eat spicy food. This is what w…

Stuffed. Literally. Stuffed.

I've finally eaten the equivalent weight of a small child in schoko croissants, pretzel croissant devil spawn and double baked Paderborner bread. Before you say I'm exxagerating to make a point, I literally ate 8 pieces of Paderborner bread…