Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

I was there when the wall was up ... and down

5.22.18 BERLIN, GERMANY — This is a self-portrait at the Berliner Dom at night, with Alexander Platz (tower thing) in the back. Camera set on my backpack - no tripod. I was here when it was the DDR in 1988 - I was very young and what i remember was…

Everyday People: Art today, gone tomorrow

Along the Pader, Germany's shortest river, Chris and three other artists create masterpieces in smooth sprays of bright greens, rich blacks and sparkling chrome. Today's graffiti vision for Chris is a swirling palette, like a pinwheel spin…

Cue the jovial "musik"

Took the tram out to the university and giggled to hear this music. There's a lot of street musicians — "buskers" — in Europe, and I love to be surprised with serenades while on my commute or catching a bus, that would otherwise be mun…

Stuffed. Literally. Stuffed.

I've finally eaten the equivalent weight of a small child in schoko croissants, pretzel croissant devil spawn and double baked Paderborner bread. Before you say I'm exxagerating to make a point, I literally ate 8 pieces of Paderborner bread…

Frankfurt action hero

This is has got to be one of the coolest subway entrances in the world: Bockenheim Warte in downtown Frankfurt, Germany. I found it searching for "weird things" in the city and introdcued it to Ralph, my friend and host here. He'd…

I hate packing.

After 30 countries in my life and living in the Amazon, you'd think I would be faster and better at packing. This is what I have discovered: 1. I will fill the bag. So I should buy smaller. 2. Even if I only have 2 bags of stuff in…