Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

A shark tried to eat my leg!

So I was diving in the Great Barrier Reef and a huge white-tip reef shark tried to take a chunk out of my leg, but I punched him in the nose like in the films and swam like hell away! Why yes, that IS a 500-pounnd fish behind me I wish. Just like…

Fat Camp, worldwide.

Three different scales and the kilo to pound measurement converter agree I have lost 33 pounds since i started this journey in April. I look at photos and wow, I see a difference, especially in my face. Today I paddled 18K ... or 11 miles ... in a…

How deep is the lava?

As we were huffing and puffing our way up to the top of Cerro Negro volcano, two scientists emerged from the crater. They were researching the lava, because of the earthquakes that were 6.2 on the Richter a few weeks ago. On top, we scratched awa…