Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

Journey to manhood.

During this amazing journey, I had the absolute honor to witness a Bukusu circumcision ceremony. It's more of an all-day and all-night affair, a rite of passage for each boy to transform into a Bukusu man. They choose when they are ready, and th…

No toothbrush? No problem!

Salvadora persica — a cute, bright green bush that grows wild throughout Kenya and many parts of Africa, that in a pinch will give you berries, and that Colgate smile. At Selenaki Conservancy, Wilson Kesaine and our Lion Guardian and Maasai warrior…

BEST. Tshirt. EVER.

Is there a “best t-shirt ever” website or award? Because I saw it. In the street market in Cheptulu. Best. Ever. Remember when lifeguard David Hasselhoff saved someone on "Baywatch" by performing a tracheotomy with a pen knife?! Utter…

Best photo day ever!

This afternoon and tonight I went through my photos for the day with five Masai men in beautiful red regalia and beaded arm bands and finery huddled around and behind me, watching and laughing and pointing 1. recognizing their friends and in SO A…