Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

My Blood Moon rising

This evening marks a lunar eclipse — seen by people all over the world, including 11,000 miles away in my hometown of Rochester, NY. It is the second of the tetrad – a series of four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial lunar eclipses…

It's only a mirage.

A die cast sculpture of a townsperson of Menzies, western Australia, looks out over Lake Ballard. 150 of these sculptures, of all types of Menzies residents, dot the dried-up lake. To me, in my state of mind, they all seemed to be looking forward,…


Sometimes, the moment is just too perfect. Our new "evolution of man" poster. (via Playa Coco, Nicaragua)…

How deep is the lava?

As we were huffing and puffing our way up to the top of Cerro Negro volcano, two scientists emerged from the crater. They were researching the lava, because of the earthquakes that were 6.2 on the Richter a few weeks ago. On top, we scratched awa…