Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.


I like surprises, especially when it's in the inside of a person, and not knowing what the hell is going to happen. I had no clue i would end up in Lithuania, Senegal or Zambia or that I would only be beginning to touch the surface of how the ex…

Happy birthday, in Africa

I'm in Dakar, Senegal, for my birthday. I'm under anyone's radar and enjoying walking past goats and chickens and burnt out cars and girls doing their hair in the street and trying to buy tampons.... In a country where there is none beca…

The journey so far ...

My 17-year-old wandering self would look at this map of where I've been ... so far ... on this journey in a year and think, "Eleven! I better get moving!" I've spend a year listening and observing more than talking and deciding,…

Into the sacred forest

My Wednesday: ask Joola women of Enampore to observe a ceremony of newlyweds. They took us in, treated us like the women and put us in traditional dress head to toe. Then they sang into the sacred forest, where we shed our shoes and danced for hour…

Rinse, repeat.

I really need to stop packing ... anything. I have an extra suitcase here, but wear the same three things. Always. I'm like "The Fly" now. Black jeans or black leopard pants or Aboriginal leggings (which Olaf has dubbed the 1970s disco…

Livin' it!

Rockin' this today and remembering what it means as the metal heats up on my skin. And I think being a badass means being brave, and often times that does not involve being tough or having the skin thick enough that things don't get you. G…

It's the small things

Found this little tidbit I "Jotted" down in my mobile phone's voice recorder in Queenstown, New Zealand. "As the queen of free things to do, I found the botanical gardens, which is beautiful. Right out of town, along the lake. Y…