Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

Happy birthday, in Africa

I'm in Dakar, Senegal, for my birthday. I'm under anyone's radar and enjoying walking past goats and chickens and burnt out cars and girls doing their hair in the street and trying to buy tampons.... In a country where there is none beca…

Home sweet home.

So here's where I lived in Brin, Senegal. I loved our little home and the view from outside the door made me stop and gaze up at it, every single night. Captured, albeit without all its in-person glory, with my trusty Nikon resting on top of the…

Traditional dance: Old, with the new

In many ways, in the small villages in this area of the Casamance, Senegal, traditional culture is changing and part of the changing times. On my final day with the Leverhulme Crossroads language team, Aime (in on left) came over with his traditiona…

Into the sacred forest

My Wednesday: ask Joola women of Enampore to observe a ceremony of newlyweds. They took us in, treated us like the women and put us in traditional dress head to toe. Then they sang into the sacred forest, where we shed our shoes and danced for hour…