Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

Livin' it!

Rockin' this today and remembering what it means as the metal heats up on my skin. And I think being a badass means being brave, and often times that does not involve being tough or having the skin thick enough that things don't get you. G…

Achtung, baby!

This is the look I get every time I jay walk against a red light here in Germany. My walkmate doesn't follow and the person on the other side of the street does this cat impression. I've been here and lived here enough to be reminded: Ger…

It's the small things

Found this little tidbit I "Jotted" down in my mobile phone's voice recorder in Queenstown, New Zealand. "As the queen of free things to do, I found the botanical gardens, which is beautiful. Right out of town, along the lake. Y…

No toothbrush? No problem!

Salvadora persica — a cute, bright green bush that grows wild throughout Kenya and many parts of Africa, that in a pinch will give you berries, and that Colgate smile. At Selenaki Conservancy, Wilson Kesaine and our Lion Guardian and Maasai warrior…

Here I am. Thanks for pushing.

Several months ago, holed up in a room to myself (finally!) in New Zealand, I decided I would take a shower, and a photo of myself — hair wet, makeup off, any zit not covered and with the ratty towel I left on my bunk as dressing. The idea was that…