Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

They know the way home.

Walking to the office i love that I saw a horse and foal in front of my door. Another horse on the corner. They will wander tonight, but Yaci assures me they know where they live and will finally go home. Like the chickens, the pigs, the cows. :-)…

A new world below me

There is one place in the world where I can be at peace, slow my bubbling clock down and lose myself from my thoughts. Underwater. On a whim I'm in Panama, getting reacquainted with life at 40 very below. Why have I stayed away so long? lito…

How deep is the lava?

As we were huffing and puffing our way up to the top of Cerro Negro volcano, two scientists emerged from the crater. They were researching the lava, because of the earthquakes that were 6.2 on the Richter a few weeks ago. On top, we scratched awa…