Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

Still Sick

I'm smart enough to know I could not walk up to the Jesus statue while my brain is pounding out of my head like a bass drum. I spent two hours in the Plaza de Armas, people watching next to a woman with traditional dress... then I fell asleep…


The historic center is really neat. The presidential palace, the cathedral and other various government things. I love just people watching.…

Shopping in Lima

Pedestrian shopping areas in Lima are really mysterious. In just ten blocks we saw at least 8 Pasarella stores, but none had Yaci's boots in size 39. All were next to Top Model, a store full of accessories. It is like Starbucks… every corner i…

Exploring With Friends

Walking around Lima... I actually recognized Kennedy Park, which is so much nicer now. And then we met Bianca and Pedro, who were feeding all the cats (yay!). Lots of paragliders flying so close to the cliffs. People dancing. Who knows what we'…


I passed through four countries today. Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, ending in Lima. Technically I was in them but I was only in the airport at El Salvador and Costa Rica. I slept 2 hours last night and four the previous nights... working b…

Holy hot luck!

Just landed a ticket from Managua to Lima round trip for $600 with just 2 days before take-off ... not sure how, but prices actually went down. After Macchu Picchu, Lake Titicaca, Cuzco and the salt flats of Bolivia,I am returning to Iquitos, Peru…