Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

Left behind.

Walking down the Main Street, chilled, to my hostel, I see two men huddled next to each other, presumably talking. They are about 3 blocks away from me, but the corner of Hannan here is where the light is. They move off and minutes later I arrive…

I want that!

Coming down the mountain today, Enrique told me "kris is synonym for dance. Party." He then told me my name should be a verb. Might be the best five words someone has complimented me!…


No water for like a week, and finally the internet works so I've got me a flurry of blogging. I'm exhausted, and not from riding in the back of a pick-up 4.5 hours up and down the mountain to the school and slowly roasting over a 100-degree o…