Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

Art, in everyday life

BRIN/DJIBONKER, SENEGAL [,+Senegal/@12.5339498,-16.353069,11z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0xee78e2f260e846f:0x306f2eabc1634bfd] — Only the flames from the fire light the cooking shelter, where Berthe is patting the gauze…

The loneliest tree

SENEGAL, WEST AFRICA — The road to Bandial stretches out north from the village of Brin some 20 kilometers, past a few villages where people pass on bikes or motos and sell mangoes by the side of the road. When you round the "bend" and g…

A day in Dakar

I was awake 6 hours in Dakar and we had had a moonwalk dance lesson from Boris, pet goats in the street, got hauled into a family dance fete with 14 people packed into the front room that's the size of the Vertex bathroom and I had a mini dance s…

Friday night in Africa

Doing my favorite thing ... Sitting in the doorway and street.... Watching the world go by. In Senegal.I'm with my adopted family here. I gave zero idea what they're in hysterics about. :-)…

Bienvenue Senegal

I've been awake 6 hours in Senegal. I maneuvered the Dakar airpirt, which is a justifiable assault by hack and real cab drivers .... Because my adopted famiky here got me. In this time Boris tried to teach me to moonwalk. I had a mini dance part…


Wow, was I really here? Infinity, at the end of the earth? — at islands off of Bandial, Senegal [,+Senegal/@12.5833182,-16.4833329,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0xee78bca7337fcf1:0x20eedcd94ddbe4cb]…

Found: Nature's perfect lighting

I don't use tripods or lights. I love to discover what nature provides ... often it is Hollywood-worthy. This time, Remy, a fisherman, all-around giving and great-natured guy, who is sharing the Joola Bandial language with linguist Abbie Hantg…

Home sweet home.

So here's where I lived in Brin, Senegal. I loved our little home and the view from outside the door made me stop and gaze up at it, every single night. Captured, albeit without all its in-person glory, with my trusty Nikon resting on top of the…

No words needed.

This morning I was startled awake by a phone call at 4:25 a.m. It was Remy, the fisherman in Bandial, Senegal, who welcomed us into his village ... He wanted to say hello. He speaks about four words of English and I speak about 3 of French, so not r…