Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

Life Is Good

Theres always something going on in Parque Kennedy... so far usually a crooner and open dancing. So sweet. Final night of the trip with Yaci. We listened and watched and as the couple looking like they have 50 years together clasped hands and turn…

Through rain and snow ... oh, whatever.

I'm dropping off some postcards for Martin, a German guy here at the hostel, who is leaving for Paraguay early in the morning. I promised him I will get them there, I cannot promise they make it to their destinations. Once, I wrote postcards…

Last day in Cusco

Beautiful last day in Cusco. Perfect sky and seventy. The anniversary of Cusco is this month so there's tons of festivals. Today students made floats depicting areas and customs. I like the tomato eating corn. Took an overnight bus 11 hours…

Hablo Espanol .

Interesting 5-minute exchange with the woman in the tienda down the road. I wanted peanuts. DId not see any. I tried to explain what I wanted: you know, a fruit from a tree but it's not a fruit like an orange. No, not a pineapple. Or a pea. You c…