Journeys way off the beaten path, and the power of everyday people.

Walking with the king

LIVINGSTONE TOWN, ZAMBIA — Outside of Victoria Falls national park in Zambia, Africa, Lion Encounter is a reserve for captive-bred lions and a program to introduce their offspring into the wild to care for the declining wild lion populations. Here,…

All that glitters ...

When you need to go for a walk with your friend's mom to see her ministry she's building with ladies from her church and it's a 1.5-mile walk on the Pamodzi village dirt paths, and you only have high sandals? You wear - no, you rock -…

Happy New Year's

Happy New Year's everyone, wherever you may be. I wish you all the best in 2015 — peace, love and adventure. I will be ringing in midnight in Ndola, Zambia, a country I never expected to visit or thought about visiting except in that obtuse way…